Live browsing and editing
EbooksWriter takes full advantage of its hypertext orientated architecture in many productive ways. For example, the innovative WYSIWYLTM (what you see is what you link) dramatically increases speed in link browsing and management. Simply put, you can browse links while in the editor, without the need to switch to preview mode. You can place elaborate frame-to-frame links, show or close pop-up windows, and all through simple visual dialogs, without scripts or other complications.
There are many kinds of link. It is simply not practical to display all available options, as you will see below:
You can easily link to internal pages within your hypertext, Internet addresses (such as http://...), other hypertext, and much more. You can even create new pages while linking. You can select a link destination even while browsing the preview!
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EBooksWriter is a VisualVision product.