Frame sets management in EbooksWriter
Each EbooksWriter page can be the “master” page of a frame set, i.e. can “contain” frames. To see the master page of a frameset, you have to uncheck in the main menu “Hypertext >Show frames” (or use the button on the bottom, near the internal page number box). The master page is the only one that will be seen by users using non-frame-capable browsers (palm-top, set top box, old browsers). With the
Advanced frameset manager window you can define any frame as “master”. If you create frames with drag & drop, the default master frame is the bottommost frame in the rightmost column.
Please notice that all pages included in a frame set do exist also as single pages. For example, if you open this manual in the editor (the file is indexE.aeh) you will see that the first page includes two frames: the master is page #0 (it coincides with the page itself), the other is page #34.
In all EbooksWriter windows (for example the preview dialogs you see when you define a link, “
Insert >Link” o “
Insert >Special Link”) the editor shows just the master page, and does not show the contained frames, if any. This is to speed up the preview.
Even if it is possible to not show at all the master page (i.e. the two frames contained in page #0 of this hypertext may be page #34 and page #35, if you want) this practice it is strongly discouraged.
If a
regular link points to a page which is in the master frame of a frame set, then that frame set gets loaded. If a
special link points to a page which is the master frame of a page set, the setting of "Target window/frame shows as" determines if only the page or the frame set gets displayed.
Please notice that special links work only in “read only” mode. If you click a special link in the editor, it will work as a normal link. Also please notice that the frame names can not have spaces and/or strange chars.
Frames are not supported by
Mobi and Epub (this is another constraint of these formats - and of course they are designed for small devices / small screens that in any case wouldn't have the space to show so much frames); for .Mobi and .Epub any frameset is replaced by its "master" page (read above what the "master" frame is).
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