Why to write ebooks?
Some facts:
1) Information products accounted for over 20% of all Internet sales.
2) The cost of reproducing and delivering an electronically published document or ebook to a customer or coworker is virtually zero.
3) It has never been easier to publish yourself.
Picture for a moment a business where you have no inventory costs, no shipping costs, and you can make sales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or how about being able to distribute your business manuals, charts, presentations, and intellectual property (your knowledge base) on demand and at minimal cost? Or maybe you just want to share your family history, your favorite recipes, your poems, or your expertise on animal/pet-care, astrology, business, child-care, computers, cosmetics & make-up, credit, diet, education, farming, finance, fitness, healthcare, legal, marketing, nutrition, retail, sales, sports, taxation, technology, travel, wedding planning ...or any of a hundred other subjects where your in-depth knowledge can be of great benefit to others.
The possibilities are endless.
The Internet has given all of us the ability to reach a huge audience: millions of people are online - and many thousands more come online every day. EBooksWriter gives you the ability to create something that you can sell to or share with those people.
If you can use a Word processor, then you can create and publish e-books with EBooksWriter. You can even restrict access to parts of your E-Book with passwords, include links to relevant web sites, or sell advertising space in your e-book.
Anybody with a old Windows 95 computer, or better (including XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11), regardless if they have a web browser or not, can use your .exe or .aeh ebooks; and now also anybody with a Macintosh, a iPhone, an Android tablet or smartphone, a Kindle, a Kobo, a Palm, a handheld PC with Windows Mobile / Windows CE, a Kindle, a Sony Reader, a Pocket PC, a Blackberry, a cell phone or any device with SymbianOS, iLiad and Android can read your ebooks, thanks to the new .mobi and .epub ebook creation capabilities.
The free LITE version of the program allows you to create small E-Books that you can give away. With the regular editions you can start professional works right now!
So, what are you waiting for? Click below and order EBooksWriter now!
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EBooksWriter is a VisualVision product.